The Free Voluntarist news focusing on conservative-libertarian Latino values in Central Florida.


About Us | The Free Voluntarist

The Free Voluntarist is a conservative-libertarian news and commentary paper based in Orlando, Florida. We cover Bitcoin, crypto, and space-related news and service Central Florida. We may cover local news in Seminole, Orange, Volusia, and other counties. We also cover global politics, economics, and liberty-related news! 

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The Free Voluntarist generally supports conservative values and free-market libertarian values. On various issues, our individual authors have their own differing opinions! We support freedom, capitalism, and justice for all! Our primary focus is on the Americas while covering breaking news in the Middle East and Asia!

Many links shared from outside are not directly associated with our site. We share links outside our network to inform the public, including links on social media accounts.

We're here to provide our readers and Floridians with a fresh voice, and we are a fresh alternative to the mainstream media overtaking Florida politics!