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Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Dogecoin Falls 13.5% In 2019 Against United States Dollar

Dogecoin's value has fallen roughly 13.5% in 2019 from January 1st, 2019 to January 1st, 2020. Dogecoin's community in 2019 has made a few advancements and has updated its core wallet but hasn't seen massive growth in value in 2019. Developers remain active and hope to make more adjustments in 2020.

In January 2019, the price of Dogecoin was $0.002344 (3 am, EST -5 Orlando, FL Time), respectively its value against Bitcoin was 63 Bitcoin satoshis. On January 1st, 2020, Dogecoin's value has fallen roughly 13.5% against the USD for the year, where it was valued at $.002024 USD or 28 Bitcoin Satoshis. Against Bitcoin, Dogecoin fell by roughly 66%. Dogecoin wasn't able to retain its value against Bitcoin, however, today Dogecoin has rebounded since the first of January. Today, the value of Dogecoin is $.002398 or 30 Bitcoin satoshis, a climb of 2.3% from the first of January 1st, 2019!

Dogecoin has a long way to go before its value rebounds back to 2019 levels against Bitcoin, but as Bitcoin gains more adoption we'll see the spread continue, but as for the price of Dogecoin against USD, it's always a good idea to consider helping out creators who use Dogecoin primarily for tipping purposes!