The Free Voluntarist news focusing on conservative-libertarian Latino values in Central Florida.


Saturday, May 11, 2024

Block Out 2024 | Block Mainstream Celebrities Movement

OPINION — #BlockOut2024 is a new movement and trend on TikTok and other social networks by people who want to block mainstream celebrities from participating in events such as the Met Gala. It originally stemmed from some pro-Palestine sentiment but has evolved and joined with other boycott movements, such as Boycotting Disney for alleged LGBT propaganda in children's entertainment within conservative American communities.

The general premise is that these people who attend the Met Gala spend upwards of millions of dollars in total for entry to the event just for that money to be donated to an artistic organization instead of valuable causes. It is an example of how disconnected rich media elites are from common people. Many advocates call on these musicians, artists, and media juggernauts to put their money where their mouth is. They also want them to use their platform to advocate for relative peace overseas. Many advocates are calling for a ceasefire between Israel and Palestine, which will be unlikely, but that passion is what has ignited this angst against the Met Gala. To be fair, most celebrities at the Met Gala are not experts on geo-political affairs. As musicians, models, artists, and filmmakers, you couldn't expect them to be well-versed in something well out of their expertise, however, their ignorance can only be justified if the people weren't so vocal about the issue. 

Regardless of our personal opinions of the affairs in the Middle East, the progressive faction that has called for this movement has a very just position. In my opinion, I think they are absolutely right and conservatives should join them in their protest against the Met Gala. The media elites have been manipulating our movements; they have even been the centerpiece for why conservatives and progressives don't see eye to eye even if it's issues that we agree with. I think blocking celebrities, whether for Palestine or Israel, or because they are anti-Christian, anti-ethical, or just alleged child abusers, is absolutely warranted. 

I've already begun blocking many mainstream creators, as I've already been boycotting most mainstream production films and musicians. I cannot, in good conscience, continue supporting companies, brands, and individuals who are just morally bankrupt. It is extremely tough, most mainstream corporations are just that—very bankrupt, morally. We need a serious shift in power dynamics in this country and I think it's fine for the people to become the media.