The Free Voluntarist news focusing on conservative-libertarian Latino values in Central Florida.


Sunday, January 6, 2019

Ideas for 2019

We've been pondering on a few ideas on where we want to take this blog and we want to expand a little more on some ideas, and cover recent changes thoroughly.

Social Media

As some of you already know we recently made the Gab and Minds profile for this blog, we also still have our Facebook. We also tried to make an account on Steemit but for some reason its taking longer than it should be (It's been more than a month since we tried to register and still no confirmation on the new account). With this expansion of our social media efforts we'll be able to spread our message to particular communities (like libertarian, technological, or political communities).

On Minds we'll be using most of the MINDS tokens we gain to advertise directly on their social network (primarily for our posts). On Facebook we'll also be running campaigns but we won't prioritize much on fiat currency based advertising, unless major events occur. We'll primarily

We DO NOT  have any plans to  create a Twitter, or a Snapchat account.


As some of you already know our editor Luis Rosales is also a musician on YouTube and wants to promote local musicians, stars and artists here on our site. We'll be covering mostly major releases of content, or egalitarian or libertarian related actions or content. We'll also donate cryptocurrencies to some musicians within our network to help them promote their music.


We hope to expand quickly in 2019 and strive to possibly get our first domain name and maybe break away from the Blogspot ecosystem. We've been on Blogger for quite a few years, but we're considering leaving, however we are talking about updating the blog using the new presets. We haven't decided just yet, it would all depend on quickly we grow, but it's a high possibility for 2022, or 2023.

To help support us and the advancements of cryptocurrencies please bookmark our site and come back tomorrow, or follow us on social media, we rely heavily on advertisement so please help us grow! Please click here if you want to learn how to support us (without spending any money).

Also have a great rest of the year, so far 2019 has treated us well for the first week, let's keep the positivity and the truth expanding!