The Free Voluntarist news focusing on conservative-libertarian Latino values in Central Florida.


Thursday, May 23, 2024

Donald Trump Has BIG Rally in South Bronx as Democrat Support For Joe Biden Wanes

Donald Trump has been having a tough few months with multiple lawsuits but he remains unbothered as he is quickly becoming the people's favorite. The fatigue has set in and the people may be tired of the political games that Republicans call a witchhunt. Amid his legal troubles, Donald Trump conducted a rally on May 23rd, at around 6PM Eastern Time which has a strong showing in South Bronx, New York.

Donald Trump has been making his rounds throughout New York to spend time with the people. Moments where he attempted to meet with a bodega owner who had to end someone's life as a result of an assault, electrified some Latinos. Latinos have had a rocky ride with Joe Biden with the onslaught of words like "Latinx" coming into the fray.  Now he comes with a rally in New York, speaking to the people about the issues plaguing the United States.

On Rumble, in the Right Side Broadcasting Network's live stream of the rally, the views of the live stream reached well around 130,000 viewers. At this writing, the stream has gotten a total view count of over 450,000 views. They re-uploaded the full Donald Trump South Bronx Rally for clear viewing.

Although a modest amount, this is one of the largest streams that Rumble has had and it serves as an example that Donald Trump can effectively gather many groups of people to watch him on alternative platforms—platforms that may be preferable to those that may be viewed as corrupt or more favorable to Democrats.