The Free Voluntarist news focusing on conservative-libertarian Latino values in Central Florida.


Saturday, September 4, 2021

Liberty Is Under Attack

Liberty is under attack in the United States as many people are calling for vaccine passports and other authoritarian mandates for the Covid-19 virus and its variants. Sometimes under pressure, the public is prone to giving up their liberties for some level of feeling secure, which can lead to tyranny in the end. 

People took the opportunity during the pandemic to learn to become self-sufficient. Yet, the government wants to limit your growth with lockdowns. The powers that control this nation want to fundamentally change what we view as normal and acceptable in society. 

Mainstream narratives would convince the public to discriminate against the unvaccinated people and deem it acceptable to push legislation that segregates these people for the sake of public safety. It has been in practice in history with other harmful diseases, except the level of government control will likely become progressively more severe. We take a stand to protect our communities from strict government overreach and support people who have the right to choose to wear a mask or get vaccinated. We continue to defend liberty.